Greentom Worldwide


Any questions or requests? Please contact:

Greentom Logo

JPG file size: 800 KB

EPS file size: 1.4 MB

PDF file size: 368 KB

Greentom Marketing images

The images below are in high resolution and can be used for printed materials such as brochures and flyers.

Marketing images "Kids"

(18 images, total size: 68.8 MB)

Marketing images "Urban"

(27 images, total size: 201 MB)

Marketing images "Nature"

(42 images, total size: 395.6 MB)

Greentom Bottle Collection Carrycot

Greentom Carrycot

white frame + all fabric colours (side)
(18 images, total size: 120.2 MB)

Greentom Carrycot

black frame + all fabric colours (side)
(18 images, total size: 135.5 MB)

Greentom Bottle Collection Reversible

Greentom Reversible

white frame + all fabric colours (side)
(18 images, total size: 111.6 MB)

Greentom Reversible

black frame + all fabric colours (side)
(18 images, total size: 124.2 MB)

Greentom Bottle Collection Classic

Greentom Classic

white frame + all fabric colours (side)
(18 images, total size: 121.5 MB)

Greentom Classic

black frame + all fabric colours (side)
(18 images, total size: 125.6 MB)

Product overview, catalogue and specifications

Here you find the latest product catalogue, product overviews and specifications. Please note that the catalogue, overviews and specs may vary slightly in different markets!

Product comparison

Technical specifications



Greentom strollers are certified to be manufactured in accordance with the current European & Australian/New Zealand safety requirements and applicable quality standards:

Greentom Carrycot: EN1888-1:2018+A1:2022, EN1466-2014-AC2015
AS/NZS 2088-2000 + Consumer Protection Notice No.8 of 2007, amended in 2019

Greentom Reversible: EN1888-1:2018+A1:2022
AS/NZS 2088-2000 + Consumer Protection Notice No.8 of 2007, amended in 2019

Greentom Classic: EN1888-1:2018+A1:2022, EN1888-2:2018+A1:2022
AS/NZS 2088-2000 + Consumer Protection Notice No.8 of 2007, amended in 2019

If you have any questions relating to specific tests or materials, please contact


All Greentom products have an EAN code, you will find all EAN codes here:

EU | Greentom EAN overview 2023
EU | Greentom EAN labels 2023
AU | Greentom EAN overview 2023
AU | Greentom EAN labels 2023


Greentom packaging dimensions are specified here:

Greentom Packaging

Let's create a green tomorrow!